2004 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. You can read about the European classic network, the new homepage, the new European Curriculum etc. Detailansicht
American Classical League
Devoted to the pedagogy of teaching Latin and Greek and their promotion. Membership mixed but mostly pre-collegiate. Detailansicht
American Philological Association
Long the 'scholarly' organization, now a close partner of ACL. Membership mixed but primarily college and university. Detailansicht
CAMWS: The Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Committee for the Promotion of Latin Detailansicht
Centrum Latinitatis Europae
Homepage des Centrum Latinitatis Europae. Detailansicht
National Committee for Latin and Greek
This very valuable website is dedicated to the promotion of Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
National Latin Exam
The American National Latin Exam is offered under the joint sponsorship of\' the American Classical League and the National Junior Classical League. They are pleased to announce the 2006 ACL/NJCL National Latin Exam. More than 148,000 Latin students across the U.S.A., Australia, Belgium, Canada, ... Detailansicht
SODALITAS: Beitrittsformular zur Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Klassischen Philologen Österreichs
Ein Formular (eine DINA4-Seite) zum Ausfüllen. Detailansicht